Kuryen- Amazing dog, she is a sled dog, only 3 years old, but very mature and such. She likes other dogs but can snap sometimes. She is usually really friendly to everyone. She loves pulling the sled with her team.
Suranee-Cool colored Grey and White female Husky. She is 4 years old and well trained in this sport. She loves it and does it with pleasure. She is very strong and works hard, can go for hours at a time and still doesn't wanna stop. Doesn't mind other dogs, but if they annoy her and get in the way she will snap.
Sniffer- Gorgeous Grey, Black, & White Male Husky... He is 4 years old and very playful and fun to hang around. He is strong and cute, he doesn't like fighting but will stand up for himself if and dog or something is trying to have a go at him. He has been owned by humans but they moved and he ran away from the people that his owners gave him to. So now he walks the streats. Everyone know him and loves him.
Simba- Cute 3 year old Red and White Female Husky. She wants a mate, and she walks the streats. She is kind of timid at times but usually she is hypo and fun to play with and hang around. She is strongish and will try and stand up for herself. She was owned by humans as a puppy but they didn't want her so the threw her away. She doesn't mind humans as long as they look nice and stuff.
Cody- A Cool looking Black & White male Husky. He is 3 years old and loves Tyler and Nick. Nick has had him since a puppy, Cody is playful and energetic, he can run all day he loves going every where and anywhere with his two best buddies, Tyler and Nick.
(If you want to see Josh and Nick Cody and Kippy's owners then go to my humans and they will be under there)
Kippy- gorgeous white female Samoyed dog, she is 3 years old, she is full of beans and loves everyone.